Educator's Kit
Heliodon Kit PhotoThe Educator’s Kit is perfect for schools and environmental centers with public education programs.

The kit includes 6 three-line sundials showing latitudes from the tropics to the edge of a Polar Circle. The latitudes represented are 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, and 65 degrees. The three lines show the two solstices and the Equinox. The kit also includes an angle of incidence dial with a platform that makes it easy to position, and the Sun Angles model building (shipped flat with complete instructions). A 12 in (31cm) diameter deck holds the components (dials, model, and angle of incidence platform), which incorporate magnets to attach to the metal deck. There is no stand with this kit. The kit includes educational extras like a pattern to use to make a globe from a tennis ball, a diagram for a table top demonstration of the earth on its orbit, and explanations of solar fundamentals such as altitude and azimuth and sun time vs. clock time.

To use purchase orders please contact us first through the contacts page. Price includes discount coupons for future bulk purchases.

Northern Hemisphere Educator’s Kit
US $49.95 plus shipping
(Plus 5% tax in MA)

Southern Hemisphere Educator’s Kit
US $49.95 plus shipping
(Plus 5% tax in MA)


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